Counselling therapist in Aurangabad

Counselling Therapy is a form of treatment that aims to help resolve mental or emotional issues. There are many types of therapy available. Share on P interest Anchovy/Getty Images. Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, involves a person speaking with a trained therapist who can help them understand certain feelings and behaviors. Therapy is sometimes called psychotherapy or talk therapy. Many times, therapy is used in combination with prescription medicine to treat a mental health disorder. Therapy will usually improve the results you get from the medicine. There are different types of mental health providers. Therapy and counselling session are pre- planned according to the comfort of patients. Team Pranit conducts various psychometric and psycho-educational assessments which help in diagnosis followed by a proper prognosis of the problem. Dr. Sandip Sisode is Mental health professional in Aurangabad and one the best Counselling Therapist in Aurangabad, Currently working as a Rehabilitation psychologist in Municipal Corporation, Aurangabad.
We Provide
Behaviour Modification
Mental health plays important role in life. Behavior modification is used in clients with Behavioral issues, Addiction, Obsession, and compulsions, and is used as a tool in all therapies so that the client can make the behavioral changes. Here we focus strictly on the behaviors and activities and tracking these habits for a longer time and their effects on the client’s progress. This also changes the thoughts and emotions of the clients. The activities range from simple daily life activities to the issues they want to address.
We Provide
Play Therapy
Learning disabilities are traditionally diagnosed by conducting two tests and noticing a significant discrepancy between their scores. These tests are an intelligence (or IQ) test and a standardized achievement (reading, writing, arithmetic) test.
We Provide
Relaxation Therapy
Relaxation therapy refers to a number of techniques designed to teach someone to be able to relax voluntarily. These techniques can include special breathing practices and progressive muscle relaxation exercises, which are designed to reduce physical and mental tension.
We Provide
CBT is based on the concept that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected, and that negative thoughts and feelings can trap you in a vicious cycle. CBT aims to help you deal with overwhelming problems in a more positive way by breaking them down into smaller parts.
We Provide
Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy
Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy Also called as REBT is used especially when the client undergoes through depression, mood disorders, interpersonal disputes between family/partners/friends/workplace. It helps in emotional impulsivity and inability to maintain relationships due to the same. In REBT we introduce the clients with whole emotional spectrum where they get aware about their emotions and focus on the dominant emotions. Later we also create an insight within the clients about their Irrational beliefs (IRBs) about Self, Others and world followed by changing the beliefs by disputing these IRBs. This way the client gets to make their new beliefs and practice them in their daily life behaviors and relationships.
We Provide
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT is used especially when clients with Anxiety, Depression, Obsession and compulsion, Psychoses etc. While conducting CBT we help clients in expressing their thoughts followed by finding a Negative thinking patterns. These negative thoughts are then later challenged to make them more realistic and logical. CBT at Pranit s done using various activities like journalism, Art therapy or activities that can be done at home. Dr. Pranit’s Therapy of counselling in Aurangabad helps the patient to overcomes Changing thoughts and behaviors is the key part of CBT.
We Provide
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
This counselling therapy is also known as DBT which helps the clients with severe personality disorders, Suicidal idealization/behaviors and severe depression and anxiety. Here the clients are taught Acceptance about their situations and followed by ways to change these situations. They are taught mindfulness in their daily life activities, changing their focus in the triggering situations, Self calming activities and challenging their illogical thoughts and emotions. DBT is a specific form of CBT that is targeted to the problem that is bothering the client.